Dienstag, 3. August 2010

DUBAI Airport

I passed the first hurdle without any complications. Flight to Dubai was much easier as I thought, time passed by in a rush - no wonder regarding the entertainment provided :-)
A huge arabic familie with at least 3 hundred children spread all over the plane made it a bit nerving though.

I arrived in Dubai at 23:30 local time (time shift: +2) and started to gaze left and right as the airport is pretty colour full.  Though, I am a bit disappointed. I expected way more "arabicanism". But the size is amazing, I am not allowed to leave my terminal, but nevertheless it took about an our to get to my gate.


Now I am sitting in a nice cafe, eating a astonishing delicious sandwich an drinking a huuuge cup of moccachino. By the way, the air temperature outside the building is 38 °C - in the middle of the night. I certainly don't wanna make holidays here in the summer!

Notebook is going down, I have to wait further 2,5 h - hope something thrilling is going to happen, otherwise I'll be boared soon!

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